Skin 101: Skin changes during menopause

It’s no surprise we get customers that come to Caci with skin challenges related to perimenopause and menopause - it’s natural and despite affecting half of the world’s population, we don’t talk about it as much as we should be.

Menopause is the natural decline of a woman’s reproductive hormones and can cause symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, mood changes, sleep disturbances and as well as lead to some unwelcome changes to your skin. From acne you thought you left behind during your teenage years to wrinkles that seem to have appeared overnight!

We asked Caci’s Skincare Trainer, Linda, for her expert advice on the common changes that can occur during menopause and tips on how to combat these. Read on to see what she has to say.

How does your skin change during perimenopause and menopause?

Linda: When we start the perimenopause and menopause years, the changes to your skin can be slight to start. You will notice that your skin will be more dehydrated and feel drier. The natural cell turnover starts slowing down causing you to start losing that important “glow”. Pigmentation, especially hormonal, can become more obvious and you will start to notice those lines are becoming more obvious. This is because you start to lose collagen and elasticity, that can lead to that downturned-look on the mouth and more obvious jowling and softening of the jawline.

What are some common changes that can happen with your skin during perimenopause and menopause?

Linda: Some common effects of menopause on the skin can be:

  • Drier skin as your natural cell turnover slows down and there is a decrease in oil production which can lead to skin dryness. Although it is common for some to experience an oily t-zone too.
  • Vellus hair growth (peach fuzz) is more noticeable on the side of the face, dark hair growth around the chin.
  • Breakouts around lower face and redness on the neck.
  • Pigmentation (sun-damage and hormonal) as collagen production decreases and skin starts to thin causing volume loss. 
  • If you are vascular, you may notice your skin feeling warm and red and some “broken” capillaries appearing.

What common skin concerns do women have during their perimenopause/menopause phase?

Linda: The most common skin concerns during this period of time is that we look tired, have lost that “fresh look” and are starting to look aged. Lines and volume loss are more obvious due to thinning skin and lack of essential fatty acids. Flushed looks are very common which can lead to rosacea and breakouts.

Are these changes permanent?

Linda: Sadly, if left unaddressed the ageing concerns are ongoing as with pigmentation and redness, but at times the hair growth and breakouts can settle.

What are your tips to combat these concerns?

Linda: It is important to start to prepare earlier before we see these signs as we know that this period in our life is coming. The earlier we start treating our skin with some tender loving care, and by maintaining a strong healthy skin barrier, the better we will progress through these years. It is important to help maintain high hydration levels and increase our essential fatty acids topically and internally. 

Linda's Product Recommendations

Ditch the rough physical exfoliators that can damage the fine skin and switch to gentle exfoliators with glycolic acid (the Murad AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser is a great exfoliator to incorporate into your routine 2-3 times a week) to encourage healthy cells to the surface and keep cells hydrated getting the best benefits from our skincare.

We can manage a lot of ageing symptoms caused by menopause by keeping our skin healthy by using skincare that contains retinol, vitamin C & E, niacinamide and always using an SPF 30 or above and reapplying regardless if the sun is out or not as it protects against UVA (ageing) rays.

For retinols, we recommend trying Murad’s Retinol Youth Renewal Serum or Retinol Youth Renewal Night Cream.

For vitamin C, Murad's Rapid Dark Spot Correcting Serum is great for targeting pigmentation and promoting cell turnover, resulting in overall brighter skin.

Keeping your skin hydrated with a good moisturiser is important for retaining hydration in your skin. We’d recommend Murad’s Hydro-Dynamic Ultimate Moisture for drier skin or Murad’s Intense Recovery Cream to calm redness and dryness that could be caused by flushing and/or rosacea. For that extra boost of moisture, there’s no looking past Murad’s Multi-Vitamin Infusion Oil which also helps the skin to heal and reduce inflammation.

Linda's Treatment Recommendations

Microneedling or collagen induction treatment are a must to maintain the plumpness in our skin as collagen drops during menopause. This treatment causes a wound response to skin resulting in building new collagen to support the skin structure and plump out any fine lines. 

Photo Rejuvenation is great for redness and vascular concerns. It is also good for targeting signs of premature ageing including pigmentation, age and sunspots on the face, chest and hands. It works by a device that safely pulses high energy light beams through the skin surface, targeting skin pigmentation in underlying tissue and minor surface blood vessels whilst improving skin texture and overall complexion and encouraging the production of collagen.

LED Red Light Therapy is a must as it treats the outer layer of skin and helps to stimulate collagen proteins. Stimulating collagen is known to help reduce skin inflammation. It will also help your skin to appear plumper, brighter and healthier.


The earlier we do these treatments the better we will sail through the menopause years!

At Caci, we work with you to get the best results! We have many customers we’ve supported through their Skin Health Journey

Book a free consultation with one of our skin experts today to get personalised advice - no strings attached. Treat your skin right with Caci. We’re for you.

If you at any stage have questions about menopause, please consult your healthcare provider. It is important we understand this is a natural process and we talk about it more.