Top tips for lip filler aftercare

Whether you’ve decided to take the leap and get lip fillers, or if you’re just curious about what to expect after treatment, this article is for you. The team at Caci are well-equipped to explain everything you need to know about lip filler aftercare. 

Something that should be noted right off the bat is that not all lip-fillers are created equal, and therefore if you are thinking of going to another practitioner - you may require different aftercare. At Caci, we use synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers. When injected it binds water together, hydrating and adding volume.

Wherever you’re at on your lip-filler journey from veteran to first-timer you can always book a free consultation at your local  Caci clinic to answer all your questions.

But first, is there any recovery time for lip filler?

If you’re considering getting lip filler, it's likely you’ve got some questions about the procedure, particularly about aftercare and how long the recovery time may be. Like all cosmetic treatments, the results and recovery time vary from customer to customer, however you don’t have any ‘downtime’ per se. You could go back to work after the procedure for example as long as you feel comfortable! Basically, post-injection your life can resume - despite what some fear-mongering articles online might tell you, but there are some very simple rules you need to adhere to - and we’ll get to those later on. 

You will notice the results right away, however, these are likely not going to be the final results so be patient! It can take up to a week to see how they’re going to look long-term. The most common response to lip filler is temporary swelling. This can vary between each individual, how much filler has been used, and your individual healing characteristics. Swelling and/or bruising if this occurs can last up to two weeks. We obviously want you to get your desired results, and in order to do that - here are the top tips to follow after your treatment.

What happens if I don’t follow the aftercare instructions?

The main risk of not following your aftercare instructions is that you’re increasing your chance of getting an infection. While the risk of infection is incredibly low with lip fillers, there is still a risk - and therefore we recommend you follow the aftercare instructions to the letter. Because the downtime is actually very short, you are not required to do anything drastic, just a few simple and easy-to-follow steps that will ensure you get the most optimal results possible!

10 top tips for lip filler aftercare

1. Understand that results may not be immediate

While most customers report noticing at least some change immediately after the procedure, this is not the same for everyone. Your lips are likely to appear fuller than you may have expected due to swelling. However, it’s important to remember that how they look directly following the treatment is not how they will look once they settle and heal. Most customers report swelling going down after a few days, and you should start to see a more final look a week or two after the injections.

2. Remember that swelling/bruising is normal

Everyone who gets lip fillers will experience some degree of swelling immediately after the procedure and this is completely normal! While the level of swelling will vary from person to person, it’s not something that can be prevented. So it’s important not to panic! The swelling will begin to go down a few hours after and should be all gone within a week. Bruising is also possible, but we will work to avoid this, you can apply Hirudoid cream (which is available from most pharmacies) which can help shorten the duration of the bruise.

3. Apply ice/cold pack to reduce swelling

A tale as old as time, ice is the antidote when it comes to any kind of swelling and post-lip-filler is no exception. If you do have swelling you can apply an ice/cold pack over the area using a plastic zip-lock bag or with a clean cloth (if using just ice) for a brief period. Place over the lips at intervals throughout the day, this should help prevent swelling as well as reduce any itching and bruising you might have. You can do this for as long as you think you need to, this might be one day for some and a week for others - so just keep going until it doesn’t feel necessary any more!

4. Do not apply pressure to the treated area

As much as we know you want to touch and feel your new and exciting lips, do not apply firm pressure on your lips, as this can increase the swelling and also disperse the freshly injected filler. Some gentle massage can be ok, make sure to follow the instructions of your treatment provider.

5. Avoid exercise

This one can be hard for the exercise bunnies out there - but it’s one of the most important aftercare rules. It’s recommended that you avoid any strenuous exercise immediately after your dermal filler appointment. This is because high-intensity exercise increases blood flow and your body temperature. This can actually exacerbate any bruising and make swelling more severe. So, to minimise the side effects, postpone your gym appointments for a few days post-procedure and opt for a walk instead.

6. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is known for thinning the blood, which could lead to inflammation, swelling and bruising. When treating yourself to lip filler, please hold off on that glass of bubbly (or your drink of choice) and wait at least 24 hours after your treatment before drinking any alcohol.

7. Remember to stay hydrated

Staying hydrated will help the body heal faster, as well as being a natural anti-inflammatory. That being said, we recommend that our customers try to drink as much water as they can on the days following the treatment to help minimise swelling. Having a water bottle with you at all times is a really easy way to help increase your water intake!

8. Nourish your body with healthy foods

When your body is trying to recover from any kind of treatment or procedure, it’s important to fuel it with as much healthy food as possible. Like most things in life, what you put in is what you’re going to get out and recovery time is no different. Try eating as clean as possible in the weeks before and after your appointment to ensure you give your body the best chance to recover quickly. Check out our best foods for skin health article to give you some tips.

9. Plan your appointment carefully

As we touched on earlier, you can resume (pretty much) normal life after your appointment if you feel comfortable doing so. However, because it is more than likely you’ll experience at least some type of swelling or bruising, it’s important to choose your timing wisely. 

If you’re considering getting lip filler for a big event, for example, a wedding, make sure you carefully plan for this and allow enough time for any swelling to dissipate and your lips to heal. While everyone is different we recommend booking your appointment a month or more before you have any big events.

10. Ask us if you have any questions

No matter what, we’re here to help! So if you have any concerns pre or post-procedure please reach out to us. We want to put your mind at ease as much as we possibly can, and we’re just a phone call away. If you’re experiencing anything post-procedure that you’re worried about, never hesitate to call your clinic so we can address them and offer you whatever advice you may need.

Ready to book your lip filler appointment?

If lip-filler is something you’ve been interested in for a while, book a free consultation with one of our friendly team. We’ve seen first-hand what a difference this treatment can have to people's confidence, and the downtime is minimal. Whether you’re wanting a very subtle plump, or a fuller pout, make sure you know exactly what you’re looking for and come armed with that information when you have your consultation. The more information we have the better. Our experienced team will be able to answer any of your questions and give you exactly what you came for!




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