10 Myths about Lip Fillers and Injections

There are certain questions and rumours that arise when it comes to lip fillers. That’s why we’re here to bust 10 myths about lip fillers and injections that might be standing unnecessarily in the way of you getting your dream lips. Sound like you? Then get reading because there’s only so much a good lip liner can do…

Myth 1: Lip fillers are painful

Anything involving a needle has the potential to be a bit sore, naturally. The level of ‘ouch’ depends on the individual, with some saying it feels like nothing more than a pinprick, and some saying it made their eyes water. The important thing prior to receiving Dermal Filler in your lips is being prepared and understanding the procedure, so nothing is a surprise. Your Caci Injector, a Registered Nurse, will talk you through the whole process in great detail but a little ‘personal preparation’ from your side can never go astray, that’s why you’re here right?

The injection process is quick and the needles are small and fine. Most customers describe the treatment as being a bit uncomfortable rather than painful. Plus, at Caci, we use Juvederm® Dermal Filler which contains 0.3% Iidocaine—a local anaesthetic that provides comfort both during and after injecting.

Taking care of your lovely lips after the procedure to minimise discomfort is simple. Aim to:

  • apply ice to the area to reduce swelling
  • refrain from itching, massaging, or picking
  • steer clear of strenuous exercise for 48 Hours
  • leave the lippy for 24 hours
  • avoid alcohol
  • drink lots of water

P.S. Be mindful of kissing for the first 24 hours or so too… Give your lips the healing time they deserve. Trust us, that first kiss post-procedure, will be worth the wait.

Myth 2: Lip Fillers are permanent

If you’re an individual that has ‘commitment issues’, panic not.

Fact: Lip fillers are not permanent, but do give a good lasting result. Typically, lip fillers last between 8-24 months and are noticeable immediately after the treatment. As they are made up of Hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring acid in your body, it can be broken down by your body over time. This means that your lips will, in time, go back to their pre-lip procedure state.

The fabulous thing about the whole process is that you are able to top up your lips as you see fit. If you get 10 months down the track and want to add some more plumpness, shape or projection, we can help.

Quick tip: if you love your initial results, take plenty of pictures for future reference! (We also keep your photos on file)

lip filler before and afterlip filler before and after

Myth 3: Lip Fillers and lip flips are the same

Sure, you’ve heard of lip filler but what on earth is a ‘lip flip’? Fact: Lip fillers and lip flips are different.

Lip flips are done with Botox. It’s a quick treatment that involves the injection of Botox into your Cupid's Bow and corners of your mouth resulting in temporarily relaxing the muscles around your lip. A lip flip is the most suitable option for people who want to even out their lip shape and “flip” the lip out to be more visible.

Lip filler is Dermal Filler, an injectable gel made from hyaluronic acid which involves a quick injection process into the targeted area. Once injected, lip filler is designed to enhance the lips for more:

  • shape⁠
  • projection⁠
  • fullness
  • definition ⁠
  • restoration

Read: Botox v Dermal Filler - What's the Difference?

Myth 4: Lip Fillers will give you duck lips

Fact: Only if you specifically request them! It’s very easy to control the amount of filler. At Caci, we try to create a naturally youthful and full look. Lip filler may result in a little swelling, but once it settles, they look very natural. The amount of filler used is custom to you, and it may only be a small amount needed to even out your lips or add a bit of volume.

It’s also worth noting that lip filler integrates and softens within the lip tissue over a 2 to 6 week period, so while the lips may initially be swollen and a little more duck-esque, they will eventually feel and look absolutely natural. Chat to us in clinic to discuss what look you want to achieve. 

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Myth 5: Anyone can give you lip fillers

This myth is not only wrong, it’s dangerous. Only registered and qualified professionals should ever administer lip fillers. Hygiene and safety should be the top priority for any treatment. You’ll want (and need) to feel confident about the injector performing your lip injections and the product they are injecting.

Caci cosmetic injectable treatments are only performed by qualified and highly trained Registered Nurses, so you can rest assured you're in safe hands. To ensure you get best results, you will be required to have a consultation prior to the treatment to discuss the procedure, answer any questions you may have and chat about the type of result you'd like. It is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach—your Caci Registered Nurse is there to listen, advise and work with you on the results you are after.

lip filler before and afterlip filler before and after

Myth 6: Lip fillers stretch your lips out

You can stop getting fillers anytime and not worry about your lips being stretched out. Injecting hyaluronic acid stimulates collagen production, so even as your body dissolves the filler, the dermis stays thick and healthy to prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Consider that one myth entirely eliminated.

Myth 7: You need to get lip fillers topped all the time

Not if you don’t want to. Lip fillers last a long time. Naturally however, as the months pass by, your filler dissolves and your lips will begin to go back to their normal size. It’s always up to you, if and when, you want to top them up. On average, most people like to add a little extra every 6 – 8 months but of course, like lips, we are all different!

Myth 8: Lip Fillers are for older people

We’re not ageist and neither is Dermal Filler. Filler is effective at plumping sunken lips and smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles that happen as we age, but it’s also suitable for those wanting to add:

  • shape⁠
  • projection⁠
  • fullness
  • definition ⁠
  • restoration

In short, there really is no ‘right age’ and it all depends on your personal reasons as to why you’re interested in enhancing your lips. We're here to help.

Now back to filler for ‘older’ people. It’s worth noting that some research has found that Dermal Filler can help stimulate collagen production, so it may even have anti-aging benefits like preventing wrinkles. Plump lips and anti-aging benefits? Sign us up.

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Myth 9: Lip fillers feel stiff and unnatural

Fact: Juvederm®, the Dermal Filler we use at Caci, is smooth in consistency, meaning you will see a result that looks natural and feels natural. 

Right after your treatment, your lips can feel swollen and stiff. However, this is very normal.  After around 2 weeks, your lip fillers will have settled and softened. You’ll be looking at your new lips in awe of how great they are and how natural they feel.  You can still eat, kiss, smile and do everything you normally would with fillers—so gloss up and enjoy.

Myth 10: Lip Fillers are expensive

Lip filler is a great return on investment when considering how long they last, and that they can prevent wrinkles in the long run! The cost will vary between individuals due to varying ‘wants and needs’ but it will of course, be discussed at your free consultation.

At Caci, we aim to make Cosmetic Injectables, including lip filler affordable. Our Amerase Cosmetic Injectables membership and payment plan allows you to pay upfront, monthly, fortnightly or weekly. Pricing begins at $46 per week and Afterpay is also available so you can choose a payment plan that suits you, and your lips. 

So, there you have it. 10 myths about lip fillers and lip flips, flipped on their heads! The takeaway? You are unique, your lips are unique. We know it, we’re proud of it and we are here to help guide you towards the lips you’re after. To learn more about lip enhancement, get in touch to book a free consultation.


lip filler before and after


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Written by Carolyn Taylor.

Botox® is a Prescription Medicine containing 50,100 or 200 units of clostridium botulinum Type A toxin complex for injection. It is used for the treatment of frown lines, crows feet and horizontal forehead lines. It should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Cautions: people with defective neuro-muscular transmission disorders, presence of infection at site of injection, glaucoma, pregnancy and lactation. Possible side effects include headaches, pain, burning or redness at injection site, local muscle weakness including drooping eye lids, lack of feeling & nausea. Talk to your specialist about the benefits/risks of this procedure or if you have concerns or side effects. Note: Botox® treatment lasts about four months and after this time further courses of treatment may be necessary. Speak to your specialist about your own situation”. A charge applies. You will need to pay for treatment Allergan, Auckland All before and after photos are of treatments performed by Caci Registered Nurses. Results may vary from person to person and are not guaranteed.

JUVEDERM ULTRA® & JUVEDERM ULTRA PLUS® injectable gels are Prescription Medicines containing 24 mg/mL cross linked hyaluronic acid. They are used for the filling of medium size and deep facial wrinkles by injection into the skin and for creating definition and volume in the lips. They should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Talk to your specialist about the benefits/risks of this procedure in appearance medicine. Cautions: Use in an area that has been treated with another dermal filler. People with autoimmune disease; or who are pregnant, breastfeeding, age under 18; or have an increased susceptibility to keloid formation and hypertrophic scarring. Possible Side Effects: Injection site inflammatory reactions (redness/swelling /itching/pain on pressure); induration or nodules; discolouration; weak filling effect. If you have any side effects or concerns speak to your doctor. Note: Juvederm® treatment lasts from about 12-24 months. Allergan New Zealand Ltd. PO Box 1873 Auckland 1140, New Zealand

BELOTERO® is hyaluronic acid dermal filler. It is used to improve the look of facial fold and wrinkles and restore volume, including contouring, shaping and volumising of the lips. Always read the label and consult your Healthcare Professional for more information. This medical device must be administered by a Healthcare Professional.You should tell your practitioner and avoid treatment with BELOTERO® if you: have had an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients; if you tend to develop keloids or heavy scars; have any bleeding disorders, poor wound healing, inflamed or infected skin, or general infection; are under the age of 18; are pregnant or breastfeeding. Please inform your practitioner of any diseases you have or have had. These include in particular cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, epilepsy, liver or kidney problems, skin infections or severe allergies. If you take medication or vitamins, have had previous cosmetic procedures, or have been treated with other implants, please inform your practitioner. Pharmacy Retailing NZ Limited t/a Healthcare Logistics (HCL). 58 Richard Pearse Drive, Mangere, Auckland 2022. 

Botulinum toxin injections are prescription medicine for the treatment of frown lines , horizontal forehead lines and crow’s feet round the eyes. Botulinum toxin injections have risks and benefits. Ask your doctor if botulinum toxin injection is right for you. If you have side effects, see your doctor. You will need to pay for your botulinum toxin injection and clinic fees will apply. For details on precautions & side effects consult your doctor or go to www.medsafe.govt.nz . Botulinum toxin injections lasts about 4 months and further courses of treatment may be necessary. Should only be administered by trained medical professionals.