The best skincare routine for your skin type

We all live increasingly busy lives and as a result, having the motivation to keep up with your multi-step skincare regime can be, well… really hard. Especially when finding what skincare works for you can be so testing! But, once you understand what your skin needs and you learn how to cater to it, you’ll actually save yourself a lot of time and money in the future. 

This means finding out what your skin type is pronto. Most people fit into one of the main categories; dry, oily, combination, sensitive, or acne-prone. Because these skin types are all different, the ingredients and products needed for them are too. For example, if you’ve been using harsh acne products because you thought you had oily skin, only to find it leaves your skin as dry as the Sahara Desert, it might be time for a skin consultation. 

If you’re struggling to find a skincare routine that’s answering your specific needs - consulting a professional is always the best port of call. Stopping into your nearest Caci is an easy way to get you back on track, and our knowledgeable staff are more than happy to give you advice on which products and treatments will work best for you. 

It can all seem a bit overwhelming at times, but never fear… we are here to offer you a simple and precise guide for discovering what your skin type is, and the best products and treatments to suit it. Let’s get started!

What are the most common skin types?

Dry Skin 

If you experience dry patches, or your skin can be flakey it’s likely you fit into the dry skin category. People who have dry skin often describe it as being exasperated during the colder seasons, and they tend to find it more manageable in the summer. Dry skin is one of the most common skin concerns our customers describe, and the best way to treat it is by using a range of rich and hydrating skin products and nourishing in-clinic facials and treatments. 

Oily Skin

Oily skin usually produces shininess from the excess oil produced. The T-Zone tends to be the oiliest part of the face, and if this is something you struggle with, there are a range of specialised products designed to minimise its appearance, but more on that later!


Combination skin

Combination, as the name suggests, is when you experience a combination of dry and oily symptoms, which may show up on different parts of the face. Some combination skin people describe having an oily T-Zone while also having dry cheeks and noses. This varies depending on the individual. 

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin can manifest as dryness and requires you to use a specific range of products while avoiding ingredients that can be harsh and drying. Sometimes sensitive skin can make eczema symptoms worsen if the wrong products or treatments are used. 

Acne-prone skin

Acne or blemish-prone skin is likely pretty self-explanatory, and those who have it will experience frequent breakouts. This skin type can be worse during certain ages and is common amongst teenagers due to hormonal changes. However, there are a lot of ingredients and specialised treatments that are used to treat breakouts. We’ll cover this in detail a little bit later.

How can you identify your skin type?

After reading the explanations above, it’s likely you’ve identified some that sound a bit like you. But if you’re still unsure, there are other ways you can find out. Try blotting your skin in different areas with blotting paper and see how much oil is transferred onto it. You may have dry or balanced skin if there is little to no oil. Cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser and then leave your skin to dry for 30 minutes and check for shine or dryness. If you’re still at a loss, pop into your local Caci clinic, and one of our expert staff will be able to point you in the right direction. 

How to choose a skincare routine based on your skin type? 

When it comes to choosing skincare, you should tailor it to your skin's needs. However, there are a few non-negotiables for all skin types. Everyone, regardless of their type, should have a good cleanser, moisturiser, and SPF in their skincare routine. 

The best skincare routine for dry skin

The glow-getters among us (all of us) are always seeking products and treatments that give us that lit-from-within glow. But if your skin type fits within the dry skin category the road to achieving it can be even more difficult. The key is hydration, hydration, hydration! While skincare products that are high in plumping ingredients such as retinol and hyaluronic acid are undoubtedly the bread and butter when it comes to achieving healthy, hydrated skin (when used appropriately) - adding a few hard-working facials to the mix will ensure long-lasting results. 

Treatments that are designed to infuse hydrating serums deeper into the skin, work in harmony with your at-home skincare and will achieve staggering results when done consistently. The Hydradermabrasion and Sonophoresis skin infusions are pretty unmatched when it comes to hydrating the skin. 

We’ve teamed up with our skin experts to give you the best skincare routine for dry skin: 



Skinsmiths Complete Recovery Moist

The best skincare routine for oily skin

If you’re experiencing excess-oil production, you’re going to want to be hunting for products that work to mitigate this. Your skincare routine will look similar to those who suffer from breakouts above - but with a few additions and tweaks. Here is what we would recommend for anyone with oily skin: 



The best skincare routine for sensitive skin

If your skin has the tendency to be a bit of a sensitive-Sally try reaching for products filled with soothing and calming ingredients. Also, avoid doing too much at once and instead opt for introducing your products slowly and giving your skin time to adjust. Everyone with sensitive skin has different tolerance levels to different skincare products and treatments, so it’s important not to adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, take your time figuring out what works for your skin and what doesn’t. Here’s our recommended skincare: 



The best skincare routine for acne-prone skin

A good skincare routine is key if you struggle with blemishes and breakouts. The secret is incorporating products designed to eliminate excess oil and balance your complexion. These are our top picks: 



Tip: Spot treat those blemishes with Skinsmiths Blemish Rescue Treatment. It helps reduce the appearance of breakouts without further damage to your skin.

Ready to level up your skincare game?

When it comes to skincare you can definitely get away with only having a few products in your routine, but quality does matter. Knowing what your skin needs is crucial to ensuring it gets the right treatment, so visiting the skin experts at your local Caci is a great place to start if you’re needing advice on anything skin related. They’ll be able to point you in the right direction regarding which products you need and why, and it saves you doing lengthy trial-and-error with a load of different products, which can be costly and time-consuming.

And if you’re really wanting to elevate your skin game to the next level, speak to one of our friendly staff about getting onto a Skin Health Membership. Not only do these make getting regular facials more affordable, but, you can also benefit from regular check-ins with our skincare experts who can make sure your regime is working, and if it’s not, they can get you back on track. You’ll also have the added benefit of having a bliss treatment every 3-4 weeks! 

If you are a skincare newbie and unsure of what treatment would be right for you, come in for a free, no-obligation consultation at your local clinic, Book your free consultation now! 

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